Hi again! THANK YOU for choosing to heal your relationship with money! The World needs loving and caring people like you to be empowered, and being empowered with money means that your reach is that much bigger! And thank you too for choosing Daniel and I to help you get there, you’ll love what we have lined up for you! ♥
You’ll receive an email shortly from isabel (at) healthandnaturallife.com with the link for you to enjoy your first money energy clearing video right away! If you don’t see it right away, please check your spam folder, as emails with the word “money” can be filtered by some services. 🙂
In the meantime, if you want to get to know Daniel and I a bit better, here’s an excerpt from an energy clearing webinar we hosted. It tells you a bit about our stories and how we got to where we are today. 🙂
Enjoy it!
Daniel Greene and Isabel Martins – How we got into energy healing