Hello! Today I wanted to discuss something that seems to slip under many people’s radars, food sensitivities.

In a world where we, thankfully, have access to almost any kind of food we want, it’s very important to know how our body responds to the foods we choose to eat. This is the direct path to keeping our health and even regenerating and rejuvenating our body.

If you get sick easily, catch colds, have constant headaches or feel constantly low on energy, you may be dealing with too many stressors that are causing inflammation. One very common stressor is food. We have become used to eating everything just because it tastes good and we get cravings, but the food we are eating may very well be harming our body.

Being sensitive or intolerant to a certain food means that the body cannot digest it properly, and it ends up as partially digested proteins and sugars that are toxic, and that the body then identifies as threats. Antibodies are produced to fight these threats and the result is inflammation. Now, inflammation is a natural process, if it happens punctually, but when the food that’s perceived as a threat is continuously consumed, the result is chronic inflammation and all the other health issues and symptoms that condition causes.

Not all people, of course, but many (MANY!) people have food sensitivities they are not aware of, and by continuously eating these foods, they cause more and more inflammation, mainly in their guts (where most of our immune defenses are), and become more and more depleted, fatigued and vulnerable to minor and major problems.

Below follows a list of “common” foods that people may experience sensitivities to:

– Dairy products;
– Gluten;
– Yeast;
– Eggs;
– Crustacean shellfish;
– Nuts;
– Strawberries;
– Soy products;
– Nightshades (like potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers).

For example, I used to love dairy, I loved chocolate milk, whipped cream desserts, yogurt, cheese, the whole spectrum of dairy. And in my early 20’s I started to become susceptible to weather changes, I’d have allergic reactions like sneezing, eyes watering, nose running and itching to weather changes, to smog, to pollen and dust. It got to the point where my legs were completely scarred from me scratching them, even in my sleep.

I didn’t know what was happening and went through many doctors, but never was diagnosed or even told that I might have food sensitivities. A dermatologist prescribed me anti-histaminic drugs with mild calming effects, as she thought what I was experiencing was due to anxiety (it may have been too, but not the root cause). The anti-histaminic drugs did not work at all for me. So I started searching the internet to try to find other possible causes that were causing my allergic reactions, other than “allergies were in my family history”.

I found out that dairy was a major cause of allergy symptoms in adults, and although this may seem like common knowledge now, I had no idea that dairy was anything other than healthy for me, as I’d always been told! So I made the decision to quit dairy for a month and see if it led to any results. I stopped itching in less than a week! I was happy but wanted to cry at the same time. This implied that I could no longer eat or drink what I loved so much and had been eating and drinking all my life! Still, I stood behind my decision and eliminated dairy, eventually substituting it by soy products and later, rice and coconut products, that are, for me, much more easily digested.

All the uneasiness and itching, allergic responses, diarrhea and bloating that I experienced frequently disappeared over time. And all because of quitting the main dairy products. This can be happening to you too, but caused by another food, one that may be considered healthy by most in the medical community, like nuts, for example. We all have our particular reactions to different foods and we should educate ourselves as to what our body can and cannot digest well.

A way to know if you’re sensitive to a particular food or food group is to remove it from your diet for a minimum of 2 weeks. After that time check to see if you’re still feeling the same symptoms. If you are, it’s unlikely that that food is causing them, so you can add it back to your diet. If, however, you stop feeling the symptoms you had and feel more energetic, you’re probably sensitive to that food right now, and would be best for you to continue avoiding it.

With that said, I also believe that we can reverse our food sensitivities, as all food is (everything, actually), is energy in a particular frequency. In time we develop or accumulate energetic blockages (like explained in the page “What is the Emotion Code?”) that manifest physically by either blocking or lowering the production or circulation of certain chemicals and hormones in our bodies, preventing the body from efficiently completing certain functions. The opposite can also happen, where these energetic blockages store or create an excess of other chemicals or hormones, that trigger inflammatory responses all by themselves, or when in the presence of other (ingested) compounds. In both scenarios particular foods (energy frequencies) end up being targeted as a threat and attacked by antibodies.

It is my belief, and many people are experiencing this, that when you remove the energetic blocks that are creating the imbalance, the body starts to heal and balance itself again, and the food sensitivities also disappear. If you want to know more and test the energetic therapy I use and practice, check the Emotion Code page.

In the meantime however, until the original energetic blocks are removed, we need to be aware of how our body responds to certain foods. And for the ones we’re sensitive to, our best course of action is to avoid them, while we clean and regenerate our bodies’ natural ability to properly digest them.


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