OCD Playlist - Use the Power of Breath

Use the Power of Breath – Tools to relieve stress and extreme anxiety

On this video I share a tool that gets us to know the power (and use it!) of our most natural and closest life process: breathing. When we know how different types of breath influence our physical and energetic bodies, we have the keys to amazing self-regulation!

This video is part of a series that gives you tools to help relieve stress and anxiety disorders, like OCD, PTSD, or chronic stress. These are tools that you can take and use on your own, anytime, anywhere, so you can take your health into your own hands and steer yourself towards a more peaceful and balanced state of mind (and life!).

When I chose the tools to share on this series, I wanted to give you what I wish I knew when I was heavy in the grip of OCD myself, so I’m sharing tools that mostly only require you and knowing how to use your body for healing.

Here’s to you coming to a place of peace, balance and clarity! šŸ™

3. Use the Power of Breath – Tools to relieve stress and extreme anxiety: OCD, PTSD, Chronic Stress


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